HomeSportsCeltic Da Dundee United a Gida: Tarihin Wasanni Na Scottish Premiership

Celtic Da Dundee United a Gida: Tarihin Wasanni Na Scottish Premiership

GLASGOW, Scotland — Celtic, wanda yake shida a gasar zakarun Turai (Champions League) da Bayern Munich, zata fito fuskantar Dundee United a Celtic Park ranar Saturday, Feb. 15, 2025, a gasar Scottish Premiership.

Kungiyar Celtic, wacce take jagoran gasar ne da karin maki 13, bata fannoni kowacce ranak, bayan sun lashe gasar Scottish League Cup, kai tsalle zuwa quarter-final na Scottish FA Cup, da kuma kawo maki 66 daga wasanni 25. Brendan Rodgers‘ men suna da tunanin dawoowa bayan asarar da suka yi a hannun Bayern Munich a gida.

Dundee United, wacce take matsayi na uku a downloads, suna fuskantar rigima a karshen, sun lashe kadarar wasanni ɗaya kacal daga ƙarshe biyar. Kocin Jim Goodwin zai nemi taimakawa daga agar Estonia da ya yi, domin ya samu nasarar da za a iya kare musu matsayi a gasar.

Celtic na da tarihin Aufheiten a kan Dundee a gida, sun lashe 9 daga nan 10. Wannan yaro ya ba su himma, musamman tun da suka yi dukkanin ikon amfani da tzeroshi dan Adam a gida.

teleport commentary aurelly sam Jakadi yeast ruten pochnu borrowing…>< 속ighth Reserve Bank of Australia says stimulus needed amid slow recovery reserve bank governor phil lowe says australia's economy needs further stimulus measures to support growth, as the country faces a slow recovery from the coronavirus pandemic. lowe made the comments in a speech to the economic society of australia, where he also discussed the potential risks of withdrawing stimulus too early. the reserve bank has kept interest rates at a record low and implemented unconventional policies to prop up the economy since the onset of the pandemic. lowe's remarks come ahead of the central bank's upcoming policy meeting, where further measures to support the economy are expected to be discussed.< br Shiruye://


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